The Morrigan Speaks

cave priest understanding the morrigan Jul 26, 2024

In 2013, authors Janet Farrar and Gavin Bone asked me if I would consider contributing to their then forthcoming book, Lifting the Veil: A Witches’ Guide to Trance-Prophesy, Drawing Down the Moon and Ecstatic Ritual.

As they were speaking about communicating with Gods and Goddesses throughout the book, my understanding was that they wished to provide a chapter in which deity could communicate right back.

The description of this now reads:

Because trance-prophecy is a very subjective process, the book includes descriptions of the personal experiences of others and transcriptions from several independent sessions by modern seers and priestesses.

So, they approached various priests they most strongly associated as working with particular deities, and they requested that I communicate with the Morrigan.

I was told by the Morrigan, in no uncertain terms, to say yes to this request. So I went to her Cave, and sat in trance prophesy communication with the Irish Goddess.

Here below is the direct transcription of that communication.


Silence – 3 min


I feel the kiss of feathers.

The brush of crow’s wing – touches the sky.

I find my way to the world – through the gateway.

Dark in the depths of earth.  I find my way.

I push forth.

I am birthed in mud and blood.  I find my way.

I am in your world.  I find my way.


Who.  Am.  I.

I am She by brush of raven – crow in this land.

I am She.  She of the wolf.  She of the eel.  She of the heifer, the sacred cow.

I am She of red.  Of blood.  Of battle and power and prophecy and fury.

I am She of terror.

I am She who finds her way – through your heart, through your head.

I am She who speaks – who tells the world.

I am the truth.  I am the right, and the light.  I am the endless depths of night.

I. Am. She.


Great Queen you have called me.  I am She.

Mother you have called me.  I am She.

[Not as you think it.]

I am the one who births.

I am the one who bleeds.  And screams.

I am the one who protects.  And strengthens.

I. Am. She.


And you.  You who seek for me now, in this world.

You who are disconnected – who are free of responsibility.


You seek the power – without the pain.

You seek the knowledge – without the work.

You seek the gain – without the understanding.


You.  You who are pagan.  You who are shaman – where is your tribe?

Where are your people?

Where is your language and your spirit?

Where is your connection to this land?

This Ire-Land.  Our Land.

Do you walk?  Do you feel the Irish grass beneath your feet?

Do you speak the tongue of the ancient people?

Do you seek – the knowledge that remains to us now?

For all that is left – is bits and broken.  Is mis-remembered.

All that is left – is unclear.  Uncertain.

Do you seek – to put this together?

Do you seek the draoi?  Do you seek the ancient knowledge, the spirit that remains?

And what do ya find when you do?

Who.  Are.  You.


Speak your truth.

Listen.  Listen to the land.

Find the questions.  Find your path.

Be guided by what has gone before.  The truth.  The real knowledge – the real power.

Find your way.  Come home.



I am She. I who speak.

I who give you real knowledge.  Real experience.

Truth – and pain.


Community.  Responsibility.

I am She.

I am the queen and I am the servant.

I give – and I expect.

If you seek me – find your way home.


They say… they say –(light laugh)-  I sought love of an Ulster boy.

They say I sought to give him my power, my sacred cattle.


I offer help.

I take – what I need – in return.

If you give – I give.

Find me in the land.

Find me under the land.

Find me in the darkness – but – beware.

I am change.  I am pain.

I am growth that pushes.  That flows on waves of blood.

I am life – and death.

I am reborn.

I am She.


Silence  –  1 min 


Lora O’Brien.  February 2014.

Uaimh na gCait

The Cave of the Cats, Rathcroghan, County Roscommon, Ireland.



👀 Read the Book (affiliate link for the new edition) – Lifting the Veil: A Witches’ Guide to Trance-Prophesy, Drawing Down the Moon and Ecstatic Ritual.


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